-text "This widget allows you to experiment with different widths and arrowhead shapes for lines in canvases. To change the line width or the shape of the arrowhead, drag any of the three boxes attached to the oversized arrow. The arrows on the right give examples at normal scale. The text at the bottom shows the configuration options as you'd enter them for a line."
pack append $w.frame1 $w.frame1.m {frame center}
set v(a) 8
set v(b) 10
set v(c) 3
set v(width) 2
set v(motionProc) arrowMoveNull
set v(x1) 40
set v(x2) 350
set v(y) 150
set v(smallTips) {5 5 2}
set v(count) 0
if {[winfo screendepth $c] > 4} {
set v(bigLineStyle) "-fill SkyBlue1"
set v(boxStyle) "-fill {} -outline black -width 1"
set v(activeStyle) "-fill red -outline black -width 1"
} else {
set v(bigLineStyle) "-fill black -stipple @$tk_library/demos/bitmaps/grey.25"
set v(boxStyle) "-fill {} -outline black -width 1"
set v(activeStyle) "-fill black -outline black -width 1"
arrowSetup $c
$c bind box <Enter> "$c itemconfigure current $v(activeStyle)"
$c bind box <Leave> "$c itemconfigure current $v(boxStyle)"